Tuesday, April 26, 2011

if you've ever lost faith in humanity, this blog post might restore it

every once in a while i come across a kind of magic with what i do, connecting with people about art, and witnessing as others connect too. it's the best!

Nora (pictured on the left) is such a sweet girl, who i met at the I Love Kailua Town Party where i was selling my artwork. it was a very busy day but i noticed her and her family because they seemed quite taken with my artwork. she absolutely adored the glass moustache!

Jan Drake (pictured on the right), a visitor from Seattle, was waiting patiently for my attention as i helped the adults who were with Nora to make their selections. can you believe that he bought her that moustache? and one for himself! what a generous and random act of kindness. her smile was from ear to ear and i felt so lucky to see two people grow from strangers into friends within a matter of minutes.

thank you Jan! your generous spirit just shines.

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