I wish I could take credit for the above image. I have no idea who to give credit to! Funniest thing anyone's ever sent me. I'll just have to credit my little sis for passing it along to me. Thanks again to the amazing Rebecca Landau!
I don't know how to properly introduce you to this kitteh. First of all, I don't know which one it is. Funny story:
My sister and her roommate got two kittens this past fall and named them after Peter Pan characters, Peter and Wendy. Well I guess when the kittehs were little their junk was microscopic. Ends up the one they named Wendy was a boy and the one they named Peter was a girl. Oops!
And this concludes my extremely deep post about gender roles and confusion. Much luck and love to Generation XYZ!
Cute Post. I think my daughter would rather have a mustache than a baby when she wast that age too. Now that she's 20, she'd probably die if she had a mustache!
Fellow EBT member
that's sooo funny! especially because my sister who sent this to me just turned 20. thanks for your comment!